What do ecology and remote work have in common?

12/8/2021 1:01 PM

Ecological problems and global warming impact every aspect of modern life and cause extreme weather throughout the world. Human-caused climate change today has led to a number of severe weather events on nearly every continent. There are many changes occurring at the moment that are virtually invisible, but some, such as the rise of ocean levels, cannot be reversed any time soon.

The significance of understanding and taking responsibility for our planet today is evident. More and more companies are opting for green solutions, auto companies are manufacturing electric cars, and materials are being recycled.

How can humanity help the Earth?

Global warming is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which traps radiation that could otherwise escape into space. This leads to the rise in the average temperature of Earth. Carbon dioxide (CO2) occupies a top position among greenhouse gases because it has grown almost 50% in concentration since the industrial revolution. The WWF recommends accelerating the reduction of the energy intensity and carbon intensity of the economy (2 times slower than the baseline) over the next five years to halt this process.

If you are still not sure whether remote work is suitable for you, look at statistics. By the end of 2021, 51% of all knowledge workers worldwide are expected to be working remotely, up from 27% of knowledge workers in 2019, according to Gartner, Inc. A hybrid workforce is the future of the work, with both remote and on-site part of the same solution to optimize employers; workforce needs; said Ranjit Atwal, senior research director at Gartner. Maybe what the world needed was just pushed by the pandemic. Employees are happier and less stressed.

Work from home reduces transport time and costs. Workers noted that part-time telecommuting, with occasional office visits, helped to improve work levels and reduce stress levels. For a clearer explanation, we present the visual statistics, in comparison with previous years.

As you can see from the interviewed employees, stress levels have really decreased and productivity has increased. Also, security measures play a role in remote work. It turns out that there are some pluses. Less space for offices, cheaper rent or electricity bills. Employees will no longer be late for work due to traffic situations.

So how is the ecological problem posed at the beginning and remote work connected?

It is easy to explain as switching to remote work can reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. This applies to companies that keep the technology on a permanent basis. Implementing remote machine shutdown for IT companies will mark the beginning of a "green path".

Igiko Software fully supports the green policy. We have developed a remote shutdown system to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. Even when working remotely, there is no need for machines to continue operating outside of business hours. By setting up automatic shutdowns according to individual schedules, each user will not only save energy consumption but also support the planet during the rehabilitation period.

If you are not yet familiar with our application, quickly head over to the download page and join the world of remote work. Igiko will make sure that all your remote devices turn on and off at the specified time. Optimization of remote work is our strong point. Try a trial version with all features available now.